Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hello World

This is the sign of a true geek; titling your first post as "Hello World"! The exact same thing you do when you learn a new programming language. You write the customary Hello World program! Since this is the first post ever at GeekOverlord, let me write a few lines about what GeekOverlord is and especially about what you can find here.

For starters, I don't adhere to any specific topic here at GeekOverlord. The posts will discuss a wide range of topics which might or might not (that would be rare!) relate to programming and not all posts are all that geeky. So even baginners can find something of interest here..something to learn. Anyway, I am not an experienced programming even. At the time of writing this, I haven't even started college.

What kind of things am I gonna write about? Well, many things actually. Starting from simple programming to security related concepts. I intend make the posts enjoyable and interesting to read at the same time explaining a difficult concept. I might also share my views on the current happenings in the tech world and will definitely post links to some of the best programming resources on the internet.

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